EXCLUSIVE PILATES is looking forward to welcoming you back to the studio
The following information is to inform you of the procedures Exclusive Pilates has put in place to provide a safe return to the studio and what we are asking of you in return. The following information will hopefully clear up any queries or misunderstandings you may have regarding COVID-19 safety at Exclusive Pilates.
During the lockdown, we made conclusions from the hundreds of pages of government guidelines,WHO guidelines, from the hundreds of pages of government guidelines, WHO guidelines and our governing bodies advice, ready for a safe return to the studio. The extensive advice is often contradictory and subject to Interpretation. It is not law but guidance that we have fully taken on board, adapting it where needed, to suit the nature of a Pilates studio such as Exclusive Pilates. Here are a few points to show how we are using the guidelines given and where we have gone above and beyond those expectations. We have extracted small sections from parts of the following documents:’Government Guidance Regarding Working Safely Within Sport And Gym/Leisure Facilities’ and ‘Government Guidance Keeping Workers And Clients Safe During Covid-19 In Close Contact Services’.
They advise that hand washing and hand sanitising are the MOST EFFECTIVE ways to stop the spread of the virus.
We will continue to advise clients that face coverings are OPTIONAL, however, The World Health Organisation and the UK Government have stated that face coverings whilst exercising are not advised. -
’All forms of face coverings may restrict breathing efficiency and should not be used during exercise except on specific advice from a physician’
It is also optional for workers (teachers) to use face coverings or a visor. However, moving into a clients personal space (within 1 metre of them) is allowed as long as you are wearing a visor. For the reassurance of our clients, we will be wearing masks and visors when a distance of 2m or less stands between the client and instructor. We will use verbal queuing predominantly and maintain a safe distance from the client unless tactile queuing is absolutely necessary ( for exercises where you may need assistance). Any clients’ wishes for the teacher to keep a safe distance at all times will be greatly respected.
Clearly when providing close contact services, it often may not be possible to maintain social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m apart with risk mitigation, is acceptable). As a result personal protective equipment in the form of a visor will be required to mitigate the risk.
Sessions are STRICTLY by appointment only and NO walk-ins will be permitted.
COVID-19 - What EXCLUSIVE PILATES is doing to keep you safe
● Pre-screening for Covid 19 symptoms via online PAR Q.
● Temperature check on arrival.
● Initial Deep Clean of all areas.
● No Crossover of clients.
● Windows and doors open for ventilation (10 sq. feet p.person (gov guidance).
● Mask/Visors worn by Instructors.
● Continued Covid-19 Screening pre every session.
● 15/30 minute gaps between sessions to allow for cleaning of equipment.
● Cleaning of door handles, bathroom (anything used during prior session).
● Use of Antiviral cleaning agents for Coronavirus and water and bleach solutions.
● Hand Sanitiser stations in all rooms.
● Teachers will wash and sanitise hands between clients and during session.
● No small equipment being used like bands etc as too timely to clean between sessions.
● Regular cleaning of all areas.
● Vinyl coverings for all straps/handles with a special antiviral coating to stop harbouring of bacteria/viruses so can be easily cleaned between clients.
● Social distancing of 2m (or less if needed using mitigating factors).
● Individual Plastic Trays for clients to place their keys, phones, purse (washed between clients).
● Marked floor space in some areas.
● Covid-19 safety signage.
● Gloves for handling of ropes.
● Individual client towels for handwashing (as we had before).
● Paper towel dispensers.
● Plastic Screens for Group classes plus social distance meterage.
● On-line payments (Cash accepted if on-line not possible).
● Class sizes reduced to allow for social distancing and adequate ventilation.
Covid-19- What we ask of you in return
● Please do not come to the studio if you have any Covid-19 symptoms (high temp (37.8 or above), a new or continuous cough or a change in your sense of smell or taste.
● Please do not come to the studio if you have recently had a Covid-19 test and not had your test results back yet.
● Please wait in your car until you are asked to come in either by phone or in person.
● Please do not wait in reception on arrival or exit.
● Please avoid touching any surfaces in reception or other rooms that do not need to be touched. Please avoid touching the Aerial hammocks and Ballet Barre or smaller equipment.
● Please wear a face covering on arrival at the studio and do not remove until you are at your exercise station. I have a limited supply of EXCLUSIVE PILATES branded ones for £6.50 each if anyone wishes to purchase.
● Please use the plastic tray provided to place your mask, phone, purse and keys. Please do not bring in any other items such as handbags, coats etc.
● You MUST wear CLEAN socks (preferably grip socks). If you forget socks, you will be expected to purchase some from the studio. Please remove your shoes at the main door (as normal) and please either keep your socks on or put a pair on (if wearing flip flops) to walk to the studio. Please then remove these and put on a fresh pair or your grip socks. The other pair can go in your plastic tray to be put on at the main door on exit.
● You MUST wash your hands on arrival in the bathroom. Use a fresh hand towel to dry your hands and place in the left hand side basket for cleaning. You MUST then use the hand sanitiser station outside the bathroom before entering the studio.
● A mask is OPTIONAL for you to wear during the session but the WHO advises against it.
● If bringing your own smaller equipment, please bring in a CLEAN plastic bag or similar.
● Preferred payment is via on-line BACS. Cash will be accepted where this is not possible. Please avoid Cheques if possible.
● Please bring your own water as water cannot be provided.
● Please avoid bringing a sweat towel, paper towels are provided if needed.
● Please come ALREADY CHANGED.
● Please wear something warm (or layers) as the doors and windows need to remain open for ventilation purposes.
● Please leave immediately after your session and avoid chatting in reception.
● Please keep the 2m social distancing at all times.
● If flying back from countries where you are asked to quarantine on arrival back into the UK, please do not attend the studio in this period!